The Tao of Politics

One of my main concerns is: how can I make a difference? There are thousands of political blogs out there. It’s easy to get lost in that ocean. So I may blog about politics on occasion, or I may blog about health issues, depending on where my interests lead me, and where I feel I can contribute something of significance.

Thursday, October 27, 2005

Would you believe . . .

. . . our Vice President doesn't adhere to the Golden Rule? Whatever happened to "Do unto others as you would have them do unto you?" When you start doing what the enemy does, don't you become like the enemy?

. . . if there was no reason to go to war, then there was no reason for 2000 soldiers to die, and no reason for thousands to be wounded and maimed? And if that is the case, then wasn't their sacrifice, which they and the country thought was noble, meaningless? Wasn't it for nothing? Nothing? Those are the hard questions that the country and the Bush administration have to answer. And that's what this leak probe is all about.

. . . the best way to honor the 2000 soldiers who have died in Iraq is to send 2000 more soldiers to die?

Genetic Engineering/Biotechnology: Visit The Tao of Monsters.


  • At 11:16 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    If we torture them, can't they torture us?

  • At 12:10 PM, Blogger Carl said…

    Just wait until the body count hits 2,987, the number killed on 9-11. Watch the right wing spin, spin, spin that number so that the public gets distracted.


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