Miers, Disappointing Pick
Is she number 10? I don’t think so. If that were the case, then he undoubtedly would have said that she was one of the top 10 women lawyers, and he didn’t.
Harriet Miers is one of the top 50 women lawyers? Big woop. Top 50 is not good. It just points out how many more people would have been better choices for the Supreme Court, not to mention all the qualified men.
If my basketball team was only in the top 50, I would be in for a disappointing basketball season. With the Harriet Miers nomination, we’ve already been disappointed and can look forward to more disappointment.
At 7:35 PM,
Miss Cellania said…
Not only is "top 50" not impressive, he HAD to qualify it as "woman" lawyers, so statistically would throw her down to about, oh, rank of 100 maybe, assuming men and women were equally talented. But even if men and woman are equally talented at law, there are still more male lawyers (of any talent) than female, especially in the upper age groups, SOO, Harriet may rank way farther down than this statement would indicate. Not that I would want to call her a "bad lawyer", but there is ONLY ONE JOB OPENING and Bush could pick ANY of the thousands of lawyer out there. Who would refuse the position?
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