About four billion people are infected with herpes. Here is an article about the possibility of creating a vaccine against herpes simplex and genital herpes using genetic engineering.
Antidepressants are said to protect the brain from physical changes that occur when we are depressed.
Here is research on attempts to switch off tumors so they stop growing.
Anastrozole, a drug used to treat breast cancer, may also help prevent it.
Here is an article that says chronic fatigue syndrome is not all in the mind.
I didn’t know that phenylpropanolamine (PPA) was used in some diet pills. I remember when the FDA issued a public health advisory on PPA in 2000. I thought that was the end of that. Now, are women still having strokes because of PPA? Is it still being used? If so, the public needs to be aware of that.
I had no idea that so many aging men were using testosterone creams, gels, and patches. Isn’t that risky?
If you are an older woman with type 2 diabetes, supplementing with soy may help cut insulin and cholesterol levels, which would be a good thing.
If you don’t have type 2 diabetes, adopting a lifestyle of exercise and healthy eating may be at least as effective in lowering the risk of developing it as taking drugs.
For baby boomers, here are ways to increase your longevity and quality of life: eat more fruits and vegetables, be physically active, and plan something to do after you retire.
Do you want to be healthier? Eat more beans.
As reviewed by Miss Cellania, you now get four books in one volume, including, for the first time in print, The Tao of America. Click here for more information about this volume, including excerpts.
The Tao of Politics Anthology, now available as e-book (only $6.00), or as paperback.
Also check here for The Tao of Love. And for a good time, anytime, visit Miss Cellania online.
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