The Roberts Court
John Roberts will emerge as the new swing vote, much as Sandra Day O’Connor has been the swing vote on so many cases in recent years.
Harriet Miers, if confirmed, will be more in the mold of William Rehnquist.
Don’t expect John Roberts to lead the Court into the Right Wing, at least not immediately. I believe Justice Roberts likes an appealing argument. I think he will sit back, see which side has the most appealing argument, and then go in favor of that argument. I also think that being in the middle, being the swing vote, appeals to a man of his intellect and judicial philosophy.
President Bush may be in for some surprises here. He may have gotten another Rehnquist and another O’Connor, just not ones of the same genders.
At 10:30 AM,
Carl said…
I wish I could believe that. I mean, Souter swung a lot farther left than anyone in their right mind would have imagined at the time he was named.
But that was Bush the elder. This model, v2.43, doesn't have the classic Northeastern Conservative neo-con smell to him.
It would be nice to think that Dumbya sat down, considered his legacy, considered his current admimnistrative difficulties and said, "Hm, the policies I came to office with have turned out to be failures, and do I really want people to be reminded of them ten, twenty, thirty years from now."
And chose a couple of genuinely middle-of-the-roaders.
As I said, I would like to believe that.
This guy burned thru his "uniter, not divider" sham the moment he appointed Ashcroft.
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