How must the troops feel when they hear that members of Congress are calling for withdrawal from Iraq? They might feel relieved, and glad to know that they could be coming home soon.
For those who say that such talk only emboldens the enemy, well it seems to me that the enemy is pretty bold now, so that argument just doesn’t wash.
At 8:55 AM,
Carl said…
Yea, except it got voted down 403-3.
I posted a lonnnnnng piece about it, with some recommendations for retaliation.
At 11:09 AM,
Stephen McArthur said…
Exactly. The insurgency is emboldened by its continued success in killing people. Not because we talk about leaving. If we leave or stay, the insurgency will go on. But it needs to be the Iraqi people themselves who fight this fight. And as long as we stay there and fight for them, they'll never take over.
One of John Murtha's points is that the longer we stay there with as many troops as we have and continue to die for the Iraqi people, the longer the Iraqis will avoid building a sufficient sized military to defend themselves. If we begin to leave, the Iraqis will have an incentive to really start taking over the responsibility of fighting the insurgency.
It just makes so much sense.
At 2:26 PM,
Ed Bremson, MFA said…
Good points guys. Murtha is a smart guy, and really well-spoken. Nora O'Donnell was interviewing him yesterday, and he really stayed above the pettiness of the situation which is so often brought out on TV.
Also, it doesn't make sense to me to sacrifice 2000 more lives so that the first 2000 deaths will have meaning
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