What is this, the truth or somebody just trying to cover themselves? You may remember the report that said that 80% of marine casualties in Iraq would have been avoidable with proper body armor. Now here is an article which has the Pentagon trying to rationalize giving soldiers the apparently inadequate armor. “We must not burden our soldiers with (too much) weight,” the article says. Existing armor weighs almost ninety pounds.
The Pentagon periodically upgrades the armor, but the report revealing the figures mentioned above was released in June, so the Democrats want to know why or if the brass are dragging their feet on making the upgrades. Looks like this may be just one more issue tossed around during this election year.
In the bull's-eye
A group did a study and determined that Great Britain has the highest risk of suffering catastrophic consequences if a bird flu pandemic occurs, because of its high population density, urbanization, and large number of tourists. These are just the conditions which would facilitate the spread of the disease if the virus mutates and makes it there. Therefore, that nation would likely suffer the greatest impact from a pandemic. Of course we all know that a lot of airplanes fly in and out of there, so while the UK may turn out to be the epicenter of a pandemic, the rest of the world is not totally safe.
IHT update
International Herald Tribune always has interesting stories. This one is an update and analysis of bird flu.
Who’s counting?
Just for the record, the number of bird flu deaths now stands at 78. The number was stuck in the low seventies for a long time, but has risen recently with the deaths in Turkey.
Update Trinidad
Tests revealed that a fungal infection, not bird flu, killed 2000 chickens at a farm in Trinidad. Nevertheless, the remaining 4000+ chickens at that farm will be destroyed.
Tags: bird flu, avian flu, pandemic, H5N1, flu, influenza, politics, Iraq, Iraq War, war, Trinidad,
At 8:03 PM,
Michael Bains said…
... so the Democrats want to know why or if the brass are dragging their feet on making the upgrades. Looks like this may be just one more issue tossed around during this election year.
I completely despise how easy it is for some Pols to politicize every issue that arises. Especially since not one of them has had the balls to coordinate all the evidence of incompetence that would lead to impeachment.
Dems have got to find some spine.
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