A new study says that air pollution can cause heart disease. In fact one contributor to the study says, “We established a causal link between air pollution and atherosclerosis.”
You know, it’s good to see someone establish a causal link between something. Too often in the news you hear people say that they have not established a causal link between, say, smoking and lung cancer, or something equally absurd, and that seems to give them carte blanche to just continue doing whatever they’ve been doing, with impunity.
So, is this news about air pollution going to have any impact at all? Well, the Bush administration has proposed new air quality regulations, but according to some the proposals don’t go far enough in addressing the problem, and the Environmental Protection Agency (did they say protection????) is said to have “ignored recommendations for tighter controls from its own scientists and from an independent panel of outside experts.”
You know, the administration likes to quote the thousands who died on 9/11, and they like to warn us about the thousands who may die from a mushroom cloud, or from the next terrorist attack in general, but with thousands actually dying each year from polluted air, don’t you think we might have a real problem here instead of all your imagined problems that seem to be driving all your policy decisions???
When the President takes the oath of office he pledges to preserve, protect and defend the constitution of the United States. I know that doesn’t say anything about people, but what good is the constitution if your people are dying?
Tags: Bush, air pollution, Heart Disease, politics, environment, health, policy

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At 10:24 PM,
James Aach said…
Of course, fossil fuel use for electric power generation is a major contributor to particulate matter in the atmosphere (even with the best filters). Along with fossil's contributions to atmospheric CO2, this is another reason why the second major power production method, nuclear, is getting a second look.
Although I'm a nuclear energy worker, I can't say what our energy future should be - but I know we'll do a lot better job of deciding if we understand our energy present. With that in mind, I've written a thriller novel about energy, and nuclear power in particular. "Rad Decision" covers all the basics, from generators to radiation to Chernobyl, all within a story of intrigue and suspense. It is available at no cost to readers at RadDecision.blogspot.com.
"I'd like to see Rad Decision widely read." - - Stewart Brand, founder, The Whole Earth Catalog
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