Beef shipments to Japan, which just recently resumed, have been halted after a supplier sent beef backbones, which apparently are not allowed under the export agreement. See how we’re always screwing things up?
Rove sighting
Karl Rove is holding forth on what’s wrong with the Democrats again. That’s a good idea. I think Karl Rove should be spokesman for the Republican Party. I think he should make more public appearances, as often as possible. Maybe he can lead the Republicans to victory again in 2006. Not! Maybe we can get Scooter Libby to make some appearances on behalf of the GOP too.
Filibuster? Really?
Daily Kos is reporting that a filibuster of Alito might be possible. Cool. There is much about Alito that troubles me, his support of increased executive power and siding with corporations against the little guy, to name a few. Stay tuned next week for developments.
New Diet Pill
They’ve come up with a pill that can block the body’s absorption of fat. Of course it’s fraught with controversy and side effects (involuntary leakage? Ewwww!) Question: why not just stop eating fat?
Fighting Cancer?
Chalk up another one for turmeric.
How to keep from aging?
We’ve all heard that following a calorie-restricted diet can slow ageing. Here is a study supporting that contention.
Tags: diet, cancer, health, Supreme Court , Alito, Rove, politics,
At 6:56 PM,
rev. billy bob gisher ©2008 said…
beef backbones? what was the logic on that one?
At 11:03 PM,
Michael Bains said…
I don't know if this helps Rev, but I found it kinda interestin'.
Maybe we can get Scooter Libby to make some appearances on behalf of the GOP too.
LMAO!!! THAT's the ticket!
At 10:22 PM,
Miss Cellania said…
Hey Ed! I see you made the first-round nominations for the Koufax Awards... congratulations! I don't get over here as much as I want, since I'm having blogger problems, but I'll check in anytime I can get your sites to load!
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