The Tao of Politics

One of my main concerns is: how can I make a difference? There are thousands of political blogs out there. It’s easy to get lost in that ocean. So I may blog about politics on occasion, or I may blog about health issues, depending on where my interests lead me, and where I feel I can contribute something of significance.

Saturday, December 03, 2005

Health Notes
Bad today, good tomorrow.This is interesting: As I noted Thursday the new ADHD patch was not deemed safe enough, and the stock price dropped twenty percent. Then on Friday the doctor who had cited problems with the patch changed his mind and approved it anyway. Does anyone else, like me, wonder what’s going on here?

Bird Flu. There is a lot of bird flu news today, after what seemed like a day or two of no news. (Here also) And here’s an article on bird flu symptoms (not for the squeamish.)

Bad News. One study suggests that drinking a glass or two of wine every day may not protect against heart problems as previously thought. Well, who cares? Is anybody going to stop drinking wine?

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  • At 12:15 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    I'm not saying that's what happened here (with the ADHD patch), because I don't know what happened, but I think as a general rule we should do what's best for our children and not necessarily what's best for stock prices.


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