The Tao of Politics

One of my main concerns is: how can I make a difference? There are thousands of political blogs out there. It’s easy to get lost in that ocean. So I may blog about politics on occasion, or I may blog about health issues, depending on where my interests lead me, and where I feel I can contribute something of significance.

Tuesday, November 21, 2006

Political Note
While people are busy talking about the 2008 presidential race, one thing that interests me is the 2008 senatorial elections. Will we gain seats or lose them? Will we retain our current majority or lose it. Check out the possibilities race by race.

Health Notes
Inflammation in the body is an important thing to consider. If you have it, you need to get rid of it. If you don’t have it, you need to avoid it. Here is a list of different types of inflammation. Here is an article about inflammation generally. Here is information about anti-inflammatory foods.

Pushy parents are causing children to have eating disorders and other self-destructive behaviors. This is so tragic. I wish they would stop it.

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As reviewed by Miss Cellania, you now get four books in one volume, including, for the first time in print, The Tao of America. Click here for more information about this volume, including excerpts.

The Tao of Politics Anthology, now available as e-book (only $6.00), or as paperback.

Also check here for The Tao of Love. And for a good time, anytime, visit Miss Cellania online.

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