I guess everyone remembers the big anthrax scare of 2001. Four years later I am still handling my mail differently than I did before then. There are a lot of crazy people and groups out there who could still attack us with anthrax, but in many ways the organizations we need to be the most afraid of are the US government and the drug companies. It seems that 20,000 of our troops were hospitalized from 1998-2000 after being administered anthrax vaccine. And it also seems that the Pentagon did not report these 20,000 cases, which they were supposed to have done. So I leave it to you to decide: who, in reality was the biggest anthrax threat of the last decade, Uncle Saddam or Uncle Sam?
We are currently ramping up vaccine production to fight a potential flu pandemic. Let’s just hope that these new vaccines don’t create more casualties than the flu does.
Tags: anthrax, terrorism, vaccine, flu, pandemic, bird flu

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