The Tao of Politics

One of my main concerns is: how can I make a difference? There are thousands of political blogs out there. It’s easy to get lost in that ocean. So I may blog about politics on occasion, or I may blog about health issues, depending on where my interests lead me, and where I feel I can contribute something of significance.

Monday, October 23, 2006

Talk about something being a bummer, scientists are reporting that human embryonic stem cells injected into the brains of Alzheimer patients might have the unintended result of causing brain tumors. Oh well, maybe they’ll get it right someday.

Here are some homeopathic uses for ginger. In addition to fresh ginger, which can be purchased at most health food stores and grocery stores, there is Ginger Tea, and Ginger Essential Oil, Organic and Non-Organic. I don't like ginger all that much personally, but there are some people who love it. And if it could help with some of life's aches and pains, then I would use it.

Sea Buckthorn juice, of all things, has been said to lower cholesterol. Interestingly enough, Sea Buckthorn seed oil is available at Amazon. It is amazing what all you can get these days with an internet connection and a credit card.

This article advises you to be sure and get enough riboflavin. That’s a B vitamin, of course. Vegetarians especially need to be sure and get adequate amounts of B vitamins.

This is a really cool site that helps you calculate how many calories you are burning each day, based on age, weight, height, and amount of exercise.

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As reviewed by Miss Cellania, you now get four books in one volume, including, for the first time in print, The Tao of America. Click here for more information about this volume, including excerpts.

The Tao of Politics Anthology, now available as e-book (only $6.00), or as paperback.

Also check here for The Tao of Love. And for a good time, anytime, visit Miss Cellania online.



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